Tech interviews play a pivotal role in the hiring process for companies seeking skilled professionals in the ever-evolving world of technology. These interviews are a two-way street, where both the interviewer and the candidate must demonstrate their proficiency. In this blog, we will explore the essential aspects of tech interviews, dividing our focus into two parts: the interviewer’s perspective and the candidate‘s perspective. By understanding the dynamics from both angles, you foster a more effective and productive interview process and maybe get some tips from us at GoHealth Slovakia. Let’s dive in! 


Part 1: The Interviewer 


As an interviewer, your primary goal is to assess the technical expertise and behavioral competence of potential candidates. Often, technical skills alone do not guarantee a successful hire. To make a well-informed decision, you must incorporate behavioral competency-based interviewing, which delves into the candidate’s ability to handle real-world scenarios and work effectively in a team. But do not forget that it is necessary to keep on learning and gaining new skills, either during interviews with your senior colleagues or by self-studying. Here are some essential tips for mastering tech interviews from the interviewer’s perspective: 


  • Structured Interview Process:

    Before the interview, prepare a structured plan to ensure consistency and fairness across all candidates. Outline the technical areas you want to assess and develop a list of behavioral questions to gauge the candidate’s soft skills. It is also important to research your candidate in advance – you can tailor more relevant questions about the candidate’s previous work experience.

  • The Interview is a Two-way Process:

    You interview the candidate, but the candidate is also interviewing you about the company. You must be able to present your employer well, answer questions about the job position and thoroughly explain everything about the company and its projects. Do not forget to dedicate some time to the candidate’s questions.

  • Behavioral Competence-based Questions:

    Apart from technical inquiries, ask questions that reveal the candidate’s problem-solving abilities, communication skills, adaptability, and teamwork. For example, you can ask how they handled a conflict within a team or dealt with a project deadline under pressure.

  • Real-world Scenarios:

    Present candidates with real-world scenarios they might encounter in the role they are applying for. Ask them to describe their approach to tackling the problem, as this gives insights into their critical thinking and decision-making capabilities.

  • Active Listening:

    During the interview, focus on active listening. Allow candidates to express themselves fully, and refrain from interrupting them. This will create a positive experience for the candidate and help you understand their thought process better.

  • Live coding:

    Live coding exercises are essential for technical interviewers to assess a candidate’s problem-solving skills and coding proficiency in real-time, providing valuable insights into their thought process and adaptability. It promotes fairness, eliminates plagiarism, and helps predict job performance. By offering an interactive and practical evaluation, live coding exercises lead to more informed and effective hiring decisions for technical roles.

  • Provide Feedback:

    After each interview, provide constructive feedback to the candidate, regardless of the outcome. This helps candidates understand their strengths and areas for improvement and fosters a positive impression of your company’s hiring process.


two recruiters discussing work


Part 2: The Candidate 


As a candidate, you hold the key to unlocking your potential and securing the desired tech role. Apart from demonstrating your technical prowess, you must also showcase your behavioral competence to stand out from other applicants. The most crucial aspects we keep an eye on are the following: 


  • Thoroughly Research the Company:

    Before the interview, research the company’s products, services, and work culture. Understanding the company’s values and goals will allow you to tailor your responses to align with their vision. You can also check your interviewers in advance – either on the company website, or LinkedIn. You may find out you have something unexpected in common which can lead to interesting conversation topics.

  • Review Technical Concepts:

    Brush up on fundamental technical concepts and technologies related to the role. Be prepared to answer questions about your previous projects and experiences in detail. Another good piece of advice is to revisit your own CV – repetition is the mother of wisdom and even your own memory can sometimes fail you. 🙂

  • Practice Problem-solving:

    Tech interviews often include problem-solving exercises. Practice coding problems and algorithms regularly to enhance your analytical skills and coding efficiency.

  • Demonstrate Communication Skills:

    Effective communication is crucial in tech roles, especially when working in a team. During the interview, articulate your thoughts clearly and concisely, and listen attentively to the interviewer’s questions. Try to stay concise and to the point, and avoid ballast and long-winded stories.

  • Highlight Soft Skills:

    Emphasize your ability to collaborate, adapt, and handle challenges in a professional setting. Use specific examples from past experiences to showcase your soft skills effectively. It is important to be self-aware and confident and emphasize why you think you are a good fit for this position.

  • Ask Relevant Questions:

    Towards the end of the interview, ask thoughtful questions about the company, team, or projects. This demonstrates your genuine interest in the role and helps you determine if the company is the right fit for you.


recruiter on a call  


Mastering tech interviews requires a balanced approach from both the interviewer and the interviewee. Interviewers must incorporate behavioral competency-based interviewing to assess not only technical skills but also the candidate’s ability to thrive in the workplace. On the other hand, interviewees must showcase their technical expertise while highlighting their soft skills and problem-solving abilities. By fostering a positive and insightful interview experience, both parties can make well-informed decisions that lead to successful and fulfilling tech careers. So, whether you are an interviewer or an interviewee, remember to prepare diligently and approach the tech interview with confidence and enthusiasm. Happy interviewing! 


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